Tuesday, January 29, 2008

The mistake

Once again Ralph was blowing the conch. The conch, the thing that signifies our unity as a group. Yet, I don't even know if Ralph is a true friend. He disregarded my feelings and told everyone my name was Piggy. He also uses my ideas and takes credit for them. That's not what I call a friend. Just then my thoughts were interrupted by the sound of Ralph's voice. He was talking about there hunt and how they were going to use the conch shell as a sign of who was going to talk. There were also going to be more rules now, so we have more order. Then the crowd pushed a little boy to the front of the crowd, he was trying to say something with the conch but everyone was making fun of him. So using my nimble mind, I went up to that innocent boy and told everyone what he was trying to say. He said he saw a beastie in the jungle, a snake thing. Most people didn't believe what he said and Ralph moved on to talk about making a signal so ships or planes would find us. He said we should make a fire and at that everyone went running off like kids. Even Ralph left dropping the conch for the irresistible urge to defy our laws and just go start a fire like wild men. I was left alone with the conch to go and try to stop their childish antics. Of course, no one will listen to me. They never listen to reason.
Once I got to the top of the hill, there was a pile of wood but they were all puzzled over how to start the fire. Then Jack thought of using my glasses and officiously took them. Then Ralph took my glasses from Jack and started the fire. Ralph then gave me my specs back. I tried to tell them it was no use trying to keep that fire going and to control it but they wouldn't listen. Jack just kept telling me to shut up and I would just stare scornfully at that arrogant jerk. Then, the fire warped into a fiery monster and was going to burn down the whole jungle. Then a tree exploded and a tumult of huge snakes scattered across the jungle. All I was thinking at the time was that all the boys got what they deserved, the consequence of not thinking things out. I look around for the boy who first mentioned the snake he saw to see if I could comfort him if he was scared. I couldn't see him. Where's that little 'un?

Friday, January 25, 2008

Blog 1-The meeting

The crash was just a few hours ago, but it felt like years ago. I was fine except for a few bumps and bruises. All I remember was getting jumbled up in everyone's belongings as the plane crashed, I quivered at the thought of what might have happened to the others. I decided to go look for the other survivors on the island, if there were any. I clambered down the small cliff I was on and went into a forest to try to get to the other side of the island, at least I think it was an island. There were a bunch of vines coming down from the trees, I felt like it was a grating. When I finally got out of the vines I came to an open space in the forest. The trees were abundant with fruit. I brought down about 7 bananas and I was so hungry I devoured them all. As I finished eating, I heard a strident noise from the left, and ran as fast as I could in hope of finding other survivors. As I got closer to the edge of the forest I heard a clamor of boys' voices. When I got out of the forest I saw a group of boys around one boy blowing into a shell. Next to him was a decorous chubby boy who was sitting everyone down. They were all gathered by the lagoon. I sat down with the other boys and waited to hear what they said. Then, a group of boys in uniforms vainly interposed into the crowd. Suddenly, one of the uniformed boys turned pallor and fainted. One of the boys sat him down to let him rest. The leader of the uniformed boys didn't seem to care and talked about needing a leader for the survivors of the plane. He told the crowd that he should be the leader, but they decided to vote. Everyone speculated over who should be leader but most of voted on Ralph and he became the leader. Ralph became our leader. Jack seemed to have a look of indignation because of this decision. I hope there is not a lot of fighting while were on this island. I also hope someone finds soon...