Sunday, February 10, 2008

Blog 5 - The Rainy Day

The sun was gone, engulfed in the clouds that began to form around it. I could feel it getting colder as I walked across the desolate landscape. As I looked into the horizon all I could see was a never-ending path to nowhere. Everything was dull and dead looking. There were crows cawing as they killed there prey, it sounded as if there were cackling as they slaughtered their innocent victim. I walked to a different place to try find somewhere filled with flowers to comfort me. As I walked it started to rain. The rain started out light, but then got into a heavy, deep pour. It sounded like a steady drumming noise.
I ran into the nearest forest taking cover under a big oak tree. Here, there were some flowers, but they were shriveled up from the dark and cold day. The flowers that weren't like this, were dead or chewed on by gross bugs. A lot of them were chewed on from the root so they had no chance of survival. The trunk of the tree I leaned upon was still dry because of its canopy. It looked mostly dead and hollow, desperate for water. It was chipped and crackly from the dryness like extremely dry skin that begins peeling, it was probably happy about the rain. The tree also had graffiti carved into it. It was scarred for life. I was alone except for a few animals scurrying along the forest trying to get to the comfort of their homes. Smalls rabbits hopped along the path, getting there delicate little paws were wet and covered with mud. Their once beautiful coats of fur, was now drenched with water and dirt. They shivered as they dashed across the road. I looked into the sky and there was no sign of sunshine anytime soon. I could hear thunder start like the rumbling of someone's stomach. Then lightning flashed, it looked as though there was a crack in the sky. Puddles of water began to form around me as the rain got through the openings in the canopies. The ground turned into a muddy mess. As I looked around, I saw an anthill being drowned with water. The ants were fleeing from there nice home, getting weaker with each drop of water that hit them. They had little chance of making out alive cringed at there inevitable doom. They had nowhere to go, for their one place of safety was being destroyed.
The wind blew ferociously, the trees rustled and shook in the wind, ripping dead leaves off of the branches. Papers, leaves, and who knows what flew through the air, they were probably going to end up polluting and littering the ocean.
The sky was still gray, and the rain continued to pour down. It seemed the rain would last an eternity. There was still no sign of the sun, it looked as though the it was lost in the sky forever. I just sat there, hoping the rain would stop and cried myself to sleep...

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