Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Blog 9 - Piggy's Bad Day

Today turned out to be one of the worst days of my life. I woke up to the realization of what I had really done yesterday at castle rock. I had helped in the murder of Simon, a kind and thoughtful boy. I shuddered as I remembered the image of Simon laying cold and still, washing off into the beach. We would never be able to fix what we did on that day. I tried to convince myself that it wasn't our fault, it was an accident, andwe were scared. Simon shouldn't have been crawling like that, it's his fault, and that stupid chant and dance. We were on the outside, Ralph and I didn't do anything. Ralph knew what we had done it had been murder. I can't even say that word out loud, once I say it, the reality of the situation will sink in, I'm not ready for that. Ralph tried to tell and convince me of what we had done, he gesticulated to make it seem more life like. I can't deal with these problems, I'm just a kid. We finally talked each other into thinking we didn't do anything wrong and agreed we wouldn't talk about this again.
Later that night, was more bad news. I had been sleeping peacefully in a hut with Ralph when some noises in the forest had waken me up. I got frightened and thought it might be the beastie. I woke up Ralph and told him what had been happening. Then I heard voices that called my name, it was Jack and the other savages. My asthma started and I was getting an asthma attack. It felt as though someone had been smothering me, I couldn't breath. I thought Jack came for the conch but I was wrong. The savages came in and snatched my glasses and stifled them in the process. I was almost blind but I could see the phosphorescence of my specs illuminating as they ran off. My breathing became easier as they left, but I didn't feel any better. My auntie had bought me those glasses, those were the last connection I had to her. More importantly how was I going to survive on the island, I'm basically helpless now. The easiest target. Thinking about in now, I have no idea what I'm going to do in this situation. I just wished I could be back home with my auntie...


Anonymous said...


As always, I loved this blog. I really liked the way you showed us how Piggy was confused during the whole robbery. And how after that he knew he was helpless, all leading back to him wanting/ talking about his Auntie. I like the way you showed us how Piggy feels about the murder, especially in this sentence. "Ralph knew what we had done it had been murder. I can't even say that word out loud, once I say it, the reality of the situation will sink in, I'm not ready for that." I can see how a twelve year old boy wouldn't want to face the reality hat they had killed another boy.

One correction that I have is in this one sentence "The savages came in and snatched my glasses and stifled them in the process." you used the word stifled wrong. You might want to re-look up the word and figure out the correct way to use the word in a sentence.

-- Katie Brooks

Anthony R. said...

Well you used the words really well except for gesticulate I could not really understand how you used it. You could use a little more detail


Markusballa said...

I could understand your whole story it was really good.